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Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity spelled out using block letters


Focused 一些资源 for Small Businesses

To enhance your ability to run a successful small business, SBAM has put together a variety of resources regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 我们的目标是为您提供必要的工具,使您符合要求,并营造健康的工作环境. 培育创业精神和小企业的成长对我们州繁荣的社区至关重要.

相关新闻 & 文章


Taking a More Inclusive Approach to Paid Holidays

带薪假期不仅仅是给你的员工一些时间休息. It can also be about giving employees support and flexibility.

Person using sign langu年龄






Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in Michigan on the basis of “religion, 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 性, 高度, 重量, 性ual orientation, 家族的地位, or marital status” in employment, 住房, 教育, and access to public accommodations. Here’s what small business owners need to know.

SBAM supports enshrinement 成为现行最高法院对艾略特·拉尔森民权法案的解释.

Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. 受保雇主必须为残疾雇员提供合理的便利, and imposes accessibility requirements on public accommodations.

Be sure you have your employee handbooks updated accordingly.

Crown Act/Hair Discrimination

CROWN代表着为自然头发创造一个尊重和开放的世界.  Efforts to pass the 皇冠行为 2023年6月,在州和联邦层面取得了成功,艾略特-拉森民权法案将被修改,以增加“种族”的定义,” hair texture and protective hairstyles such as braids, 锁和扭.





最近的一所大学.S. 联邦11th Circuit case upended the U.S. 平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)关于残疾和住宿的指导.  Under the guidance, 雇员对残疾的定义仅仅是功能性的,而不是医学上的, 确定一个人是否有残疾并不一定取决于残疾的名称或诊断. Once an employer is on notice, 他们必须就任何住宿条件进行互动讨论.  最终,住宿条件是由雇主决定的.

New Approach to 艾达 Accommodations


对老年人的歧视 is alive and well and running rampant. In a recent survey by the AARP, 近80%的年长员工表示,他们在工作场所看到或经历过年龄歧视.

With a youth obsessed society, as employees 年龄, they may be ignored or marginalized, 认为他们没有年轻工人所拥有的技能.  这些员工也不太可能被纳入继任计划,因为人才树侧重于更长期的年轻员工.  This situation is fairly common, especially in the IT sector.


Conscious Inclusion

包容始于承认我们都来自不同的背景. This includes how and when we celebrate holidays. 为了包容,是时候考虑基督教节日安排之外的事情了.

词汇问题. 对某些术语感到好奇——以及使用某些单词或短语是否合适?  Use these guides to choose authentic, inclusive langu年龄.

Small Business Perspective:

Taking a More Inclusive Approach to Paid Holidays


Workforce Solutions for Individuals with Disabilities

密歇根康复服务(MRS)是一个全州范围内的职业康复(VR)专业人士发展创新的网络, 满足个人和企业需求的定制解决方案.


  • 招聘,维护和再培训合格的个人,以节省时间和金钱.
  • 协助参与互动过程,为残疾员工提供合理的便利.
  • Create a truly inclusive workplace culture.



SBAM的高级会员、VIP会员和精英会员都可以获得我们的免费咨询专家服务. 我们的人力资源和法律合作伙伴随时待命,帮助您解决简单和复杂问题的来龙去脉.

通过SBAM的“提问”门户网站,很容易直接向日月光代表提问. 一个基于事实的答案将提供给你-完全免费.


Employee Handbook Creation

员工手册不仅向你的员工介绍你的公司及其雇佣和经营理念, 同时也是一种有效的沟通工具,可以提供有关公司政策的信息, 程序, and compensation programs.

诈骗保费, VIP或精英会员可以从美国雇主协会(ASE)获得审查或更新现有文件的费用折扣, or developing a complete, customized employee handbook.

Employee Handbooks


According to the CDC, there are about 1 in 4 people in the U.S. 或6100万有某种身体或精神残疾的美国人.

雇用残障人士并回应他们的需要 creates an environment of trust, productivity,以及留存率. The 7th Annual MI Hidden Talent Workshop was held on March 21, 2023, featuring a keynote speaker, breakout sessions and inclusion spotlights. The link below offers video replay of the three main sessions.

2023 Event Recap

When DEI Violates EEO Law

In Lutz v. Liquidity Services, Inc., No. PWG-21-1229 (United States District Court, D. 马里兰, Southern Division, 12/12/22), a vice president of human resources is suing his former employer. 据这位副总裁说,CEO/董事长对他说:“迈克,我想让你退休. I have a diversity problem. I need to improve the diversity profile of the company. And I need to promote Novelette [Murray] into your job.”(仅供参考, Novelette is an African-American woman, and the company’s leadership at that time was all white men). 副总统宣布退休时,他的成就受到了赞扬, but then (oddly) he was terminated “without cause,尽管该公司现在表示这是由于性能问题.  The case was allowed to continue to trial.  教训? 为了给少数族裔雇员创造机会而对非少数族裔雇员采取负面雇佣行动,仍然违反了反歧视法, even if done in the name of diversity.